The first reason is because the story illustrates a humorous relationship between a seller and a buyer - something that we could leverage for client work e.g. Petco, American Airlines, etc.
The second reason is because it is based on a short story that was featured on this website, McSweeny's Internet Tendency. And while I understand that it's a blog run by a publishing company based in San Francisco, I'm not entirely certain if it's designed to be "open source" as it relates to scripted material - it'd be cool it was though...
In addition to the 50-Hour challenges, I'm also reminded of the book Micah inherited on a flight titled White Cargo, and how we had once talked about a kind of competition or exercise where you would flip to a random page in a random book and attempt to recreate a scene using only the available context.
I’M AN EXPERT HAGGLER AT GARAGE SALES from holycowboy on Vimeo.
Still need to do the white cargo challenge