Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Jason Allen Ashlock - The Story Teller's Secret

A capture of my favorite talk at SXSW. It borrows heavily from Josh's earlier post on story arcs, but positions story well as to why we use it and how its so convincing to change people's minds and behaviors.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The guys from Scotland that I worked with last year put this up online today. I think they are trying really hard to get their name out especially in the midwest advertising market but it made me thing of the Story and Heart stuff. I have been part of several conversations about making videos like this. Root could put out content about how we do what we do and in my mind specifically about how and why we tell stories with video. I think this and Story and Heart show that there is a space out there for these videos.
Washington, D.C. Conference Feb 2016 from Enterprise Screen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Irrational Fear of Nothing

I was catching up on some of my "watch laters" on Vimeo and came across this really interesting piece. I bring it up because in the past we've recreated the "Being John Malkovich" effect in order to illustrate an experience or point-of-view, but something about the disorienting quality of the (backwards) body rig is fun. I think what I like best about it is it's simplicity - just dude walking around with a well-written narration.

From what I can gather, this film was created to promote the Olympus E-M5 Mark II and part of the Olympus: Point of View Series.

The Irrational Fear of Nothing from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.

Behind the scenes -The Irrational Fear of Nothing from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.