Wednesday, July 18, 2012


What originally started out as a post for one video became a post about an entire organization. I love when that happens. Spectrum does amazing work on educating and helping people with autism, and the animations they have commissioned are off the charts. I am seriously envious of the work. There are a lot of things to like in this first piece that introduces Spectrum's business. This animation comes to us from Art & Graft. I especially love the introduction and the section about their staff, it definitely brought a light-hearted humor to the whole piece. Spectrum then commissioned Art & Graft to do a series as a study of the individuals within their care to raise awareness of autism. I really love these informational animation pieces that seem to be coming out more and more. It's an engaging way to tell a story and this is just another example. This one was animated by Mikey Please.


  1. Holy moly! That was an intense four-minute-long animation. I wonder what percentage was 2-D and 3-D.

    1. Yea, I forgot to mention how I felt the first animation was a wee bit on the long side. I think I just have an affinity for 2D but I enjoyed the intro bit a lot more than when it started getting heavy into what looked to be 3D
